Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Ever heard of Zimmerman the singer? No, not Bob -- Roy.
Every time we think about same-sex marriage
Makes us sick to our guts
I mean, two people who want to commit to a
stable monogamous life-long relationship --
What are they, nuts?
It's unnatural!

Now a man should not lie with a
person who is a guy
He should only lie to his wife,
the Bible is clear

We're --
Defenders of marriage
In three-button suits
We'll raise our double standard
and see who salutes
Defenders of marriage
Defending the institution against people
who want to get married

(From "Defenders of Marriage")
You like Tom Lehrer? Has it been a long time since you heard any good new satirical songs? Get thee to Roy Zimmerman's web site. He's not only smart, lefty and evilly fun, he plays a mean guitar as well.

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