Double-Barreled Carnival Blast

On Thursday 28 September, it's time for the 44th Skeptics' Circle, "a biweekly carnival for bloggers who apply critical thought to questionable stories".
On Sunday 1 October we'll have the 50th Carnival of the Godless: blog entries "from a godless perspective [adressing] something such as godlessness, atheism, church/state separation, the evolution/creation debate, theodicy, philosophy of religion as it relates to godlessness, etc.".
We had Tangled Bank here back in July, but as far as I know no Salto sobrius regulars were represented. I guess few of you are in the life sciences. But I know a number of you guys are skeptics and atheists. So come on now and hoist yer colours! Submit entries a few days in advance here.
[More blog entries about blogging, carnivals; bloggkarnevaler.]
Labels: carnivals
I'm still a bit confused about the whole carnival thing. I'm looking forward to seeing what they're all about and reading some of the entries though.
It's not complicated. A group of bloggers take turns collecting the best entries from all of their blogs, and share the work involved as well as the site traffic generated. Have a look at the carnival I ran in July!
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